CISSL - CIS Security Limited
CISSL stands for CIS Security Limited
Here you will find, what does CISSL stand for in Security under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate CIS Security Limited? CIS Security Limited can be abbreviated as CISSL What does CISSL stand for? CISSL stands for CIS Security Limited. What does CIS Security Limited mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in London, Greater London engaged in security and investigations industry.
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Alternative definitions of CISSL
View 2 other definitions of CISSL on the main acronym page
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- CP City of Pomona
- CCMH Camden Clark Memorial Hospital
- CCBL Coca Cola Beverages Ltd
- CCI Center for Court Innovation
- CA City of Allentown
- CEC Caribbean Examinations Council
- CCC City of Culver City
- CTA China Telecom Americas
- CPP City of Pembroke Pines
- CCU Consumers Credit Union
- CG City of Gresham
- CB City of Bryan
- CCAA Child Care Aware of America
- CFL Connell Foley LLP